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Lifelong Learning: War-Gaming Life in the Metaverse
This is a presentation given by Alison McDowell hosted by Jason Bosch examining the blockchain militarized Metaverse as it relates to education. This more focused presentation was edited from a longer talk
Topics covered:
- Civic Gaming
- Serious Games - Military Simul… Opportunity Youth - An In-Depth Follow-up to Questioning "The Greater Reset III"
In early January 2022 Alison McDowell gave a presentation with Jason Bosch titled, Questioning "The Greater Reset III" - Where is this Resistance Headed?
In this follow-up talk Alison go into greater detail on several topics:
-Derrick Broze Child Labor / Child Sovere… IWWH Ep 26: Powerful People, Human Trafficking, The Internet & Resistance - Brandi Ann
In this Episode of If We Were Honest Jason Bosch interviews Brandi Ann, an activist working several issues including human trafficking, vaccines, digital ID, blockchain, human capital finance and other aspects of the fourth industrial revolution.
We spoke about Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell,…