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About Damian J. Rogers
I'm the clip editor for Chrissie Mayr's podcast, and an unofficial clip editor for Compound Media. Basically an unpaid employee at this point. Friendly/friends with people at the network and extremely grateful they allow me to do what I do. Mostly just clips/remixes/edits etc. I've made from The Anthony Cumia Show and In Hot Water with Aaron Berg and Geno Bisconte, available on Compound Media.
Recent Videos from Damian J. Rogers
Gum Fridays - A Few Highlights From My Appearance
I appeared as a guest on the latest Gum Fridays, picked a few highlight clips to compile.
Gum Fridays:
In Hot Water with Geno Bisconte and Aaron Berg, live Monday to Thursday at 2pmEST only on Compound Media.
Find my … The Anthony Cumia Show - The Renegays
1351 (03/08/22):
Ant watches the intro for and talks about the Patrick Swayze TV show "The Renegades."
The Anthony Cumia Show, live Monday to Thursday at 4pmET only on Compound Media. In Hot Water - Being An Artist Debate (with Olivia Gropp, Frankie MacDonald, and Jay Whitecoton)
811: (03/14/22):
Geno, Aaron, and Olivia Gropp discuss/debate/argue/discuss/debate/argue the meaning of being an artist with Jay Whitecoton, while Frankie MacDonald hangs out in the background.
In Hot Water with Geno Bisconte and Aaron Berg, live Monday to Thursday at 2pmET only on Compound Media…