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About Philip DeFranco Personal
Recent Videos from Philip DeFranco Personal
Seeing What I'll Look Like In 40 Years
Seeing what I'll look like in 40 years using an aging filter It's Freezing In California
So I'm about to go on a hike and I am so excited because it is the first hike that I've been able to like actually peel myself away from the real world to be able to go off and do. But I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that I am having to go do this in a hurry. bleh it's it is California cold… LA Has Become Underrated
It's really easy when you live here. It's just like see LA as like a series of places that you drive to and cars and congestion and if you visit, maybe you do like the sign and you go and you see like the Hollywood stars and sh*t like that. But there's so many cool things out here like this that yo…