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The Problem with Rust | A Tale of the Cheating Plague
Unfortunately, cheaters again, are one of the biggest problems facing rust at the moment. Players like those three, ruin the game for everyone and cheating has gotten to a point where most encounters leave me questioning whether or not I'm verusing a hacker or just a skilled player.
It's a shame … Incredibly Cheap & Strong Double Bunker Base | Rust Base Building
As always thanks for watching & I hope you enjoyed the final part 3 of this base building discussion series. The base is by no means perfect or unraidable but, its a neat little design that provides all the spaces you could want for a low build & upkeep cost and reasonable raid cost. It's perfect f… Are all raiding tactics viable? - What is Rusts Raiding Standard?
Hopefully, this overview of raiding in rust helped clear up some of the misconceptions around certain styles like Jackhammer raiding. Since this was a follow up to part 1 'The Problem with Rusts Base Building Scene' part 3 will be out shortly with a build. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoye…