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About Shaffer Nickel
earth, man
Recent Videos from Shaffer Nickel
What's in my CAMERA BAG 2023
Here's what's in my camera bag going into 2023. No one else has this game figured out like I do and that's a FACT.
Stuff I recommend
My voice-over microphone:
Favorite on-camera microphone: https:/… don't overcome fear… a video essay
Fear is (sometimes) something to overcome. It's also something to listen to, something to negotiate with, something to use as a tool, and something to grow beside.
don't overcome fear… || a film by Shaffer Nickel
Co-written by Bailey Nickel
Featuring two of the best people I know
Andrew Karnowka… I replaced my dream van with an electric bike...
I've never been a believer in the electric bike movement (for people my age that is). They don't seem to solve any real problems. Even so, I decided to try to fit one into my lifestyle that offers me an alternative to driving my diesel van all over the place all the time. Maybe this is a good envir…