About Just A Guy Having Fun
Just a guy having fun & making memories! At least that's how it started! Now it's about YOUR FREEDOM, sharing knowledge and other channels with knowledge to share, and if all goes as planned, with some humor and inappropriate music!
I demonetized myself. I am slave to no one or no platform. I am what I am, and you do you boo boo!
Please check out my other channel NOID4U and my website www.noid4u.com I MAKE NO MONEY ON THE INFORMATION ON THE WEBSITE, IT'S FREE. T-SHIRTS ARE $19.99 AND SOLD AT COST, SO NO PROFIT.
Full disclosure, and of course in fine print, I do make a little bear money on the fun shirts and hoodies! I am not in this for money, just share knowledge with a little humor thrown in!
Thanks for checking it out and go sub to the Pot Brothers At Law!
Thanks for watching be a good human!
Be A Good Human, Don't Be A Dick
If You're Gonna
Be A Dick...