About World Astrology Report
World Astrology Report is a report on the past, present and future informed by the art and science of astrology. Hosted by astrologer Dan Waites, the aim of the channel is to understand our ever-evolving current moment by analysing history, current events and planetary cycles.
Respect to my teachers (some of whom know it, some of whom don't): Patrick Watson, Chris Brennan, Christopher Warnock, Acyuta-bhava Das, Mychal Bryan, Robert "Crypto Damus" Weinstein, Joe Dodaro, Demetra George, Bernadette Brady, Austin Coppock, Martien Hermes, Darby Costello, Marsilio Firenze, Andre Barbault, Robert Schmidt, Robert Hand, Robert Zoller, Liz Greene, SJ Anderson, Spencer Michaud, the Mystery Clubbers and many more.
Charts used are from Astro Gold: https://www.astrogold.io/
Astrological glyphs are the Physis typeface: https://www.hughtranastro.com/writings/physis-an-astrological-glyph-typeface