About GamingTopTen
Your source for video game top tens and reviews!
Top Tens:
A list of ten things that fit the given criteria best. I refuse to only do one game per franchise. Just because two games are in the same series does not mean one should be ignored of its own merits.
Game Reviews:
No nostalgia, no prejudice, no excuses, and a tiny bit of humor, the way reviews are meant to be. My reviews contain no major spoilers for the game at hand, because I know that you want to play them too. Any comments that show spoilers to a video game will be deleted. Repeated offenses will result in a block.
Scoring for a video game goes like this:
Story: 10%
Controls: 20%
Gameplay ("Fun"): 30%
Graphics: 6%
Music: 7%
Sound: 7%
Length: 20%
Length is how long a video game is when everything is considered. Forced replay value is counted against length. Length is not as important as gameplay because there are video games that are extremely short but very fun, and vice versa.
The score is like a grade in school. 75% is a C, 85% is a B, and so forth. This means that 50% is not good. Remember that.
After the score is done, a game's value is presented in dollars, if you can find it for that price or lower, pick it up.
I'll accept friend requests from pretty much anybody who has commented or replied to me, but if they aren't willing to establish a connection, I'll remove them over time. Just because you subscribe to me will not make you my friend.
Thanks to DrQuagsire for making my icon. If anybody wants to make some fanart for me, send me a PM. I can always use an artist.