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About Devin Siebold
Teacher/Comedian/Presenter from Orlando, FL Host of Crying in My Car: A Podcast for Teachers Maker of many, many teacher comedy videos For a full list of dates:
Recent Videos from Devin Siebold
Devin and Angry Texan
Good Evening! If Jurassic Park Had Parent Teacher Conferences
I have over 200 additional teacher comedy sketches on this channel. All original. Hit subscribe and share. Check me out on tour with Bored Teachers this summer, for details and merch. Listen weekly to Crying in My Car: A Podcast for Teachers. Crazy Teacher Story Time: Subjective Evaluations
More comedy videos out soon, check out my channel for over 200 already out. All original, all comedy. Check me out on tour with Bored Teachers this summer at and listen to my podcast Crying in My Car: A Podcast for Teachers. Also, get merch at