About OPLOLReplay
Oplolreplay is one of the best & the oldest highlight channels for people with a busy life to catch up with the latest & the best moments of competitive LoL esports. If you have a full-time job and a family with little time on your hand but still want to be engaged by the finest moment of Lolesports, you have come to the right channel.
Every highlight & montage on this channel is carefully & painstakingly edited by Oplolreplay who has thousands of games as a jungler/support on SOLOQ/normal matches. The highlight videos are edited to show
1)Every Kill
2)Funny/failed plays (ie Killed by buff)
3)Clutch moments (ie: dragon/baron steal)
4)Sick plays that do not involve any kill. (Ie impossible escape)
5)EPIC & MEGA EPIC tag to alert the viewers
To ensure the best possible cut of each match, I personally spend at least 12 hrs watching and editing ~ 15 competitive matches per day during the hectic regular split. Hope you enjoy watching the highlights on OPLOLREPLAY!