About immafreemann
see more at ronintruth.blogspot.com for links. Thank you to everyone willing to take on the dark side and stand up for your right to live in the light and be no man's slave. Kudo's to you all. It is a very difficult path, and the benefits go to others mostly. I am lucky that I have others remind me that those who would abuse others are actually under the illusion they are doing the right thing, instead of willfully inflicting abuse on others. Let's learn to have compassion for everyone. All the videos I have made (am speaking on) are "all rights reserved". The videos that I, myself have made are available for free distribution, but I can't make that claim to the presentations I have uploaded by others (where I'm not speaking) such as Carl Millers' material or Bill Whipples productions of Bill T. and Sheriff Mack, or any information within my videos that are not of my creation. Email me at : jksabrosa@sonic.net