About The Snekker Show
I’m Ben, a lifetime hobby woodworker, house mechanic, and whatever else life calls for at the time. I first started building things when I was around 12, and gradually improved my skills through books, TV shows, some good mentors, and a lot of trial and error. One of my first jobs as a teenager was working in a hardware store, and I spent almost every cent I earned on tools, supplies, or building and fixing things in my parents’ house. They were very patient with my trial and error, even when I one day decided to remove part of a wall between the kitchen and living room to open up the view. I started this channel in 2017 with the intent of sharing what I know, just as my earlier mentors shared their knowledge with me. What you can expect from The Snekker Show is innovation, inventions, tutorials, surprises, honest reviews, empirical tests, helpful tips, and plenty of dry humor. Just not all at the same time.