About Sailing Pivo
Conor and I were complete newbies to sailing, but we quit our jobs and started sailing "Satori", our 1990 Whiting 40 keelboat, around the coast of New Zealand.
Six months into our journey, Conor was diagnosed with a massive 8cm meningioma brain tumor. For 8 months, we experienced challenge after challenge as an infection developed which killed Conor's skull, New Zealand went into lockdown which postponed Conor's surgery to replace the dead skull bone, and our boat got stuck in a marina several hours away for 5 months, causing half of our belongings to be destroyed by mold. Due to Conor now having a fake skull and being 6'8", the boat is now a massive hazard with not enough headroom, and we were forced to sell the boat.
We have no idea what is in store for us in 2022, but it's gotta be a better year than 2021.
Thanks for following our journey!!!
Interested in keeping the dream alive? Consider supporting us on Patreon: patreon.com/sailingpivo