About D.C.J. News Media
D.C.J News Media
Investigative news reporting.In association with various news outlets.
On government accountability and Constitutional law.
CHIEF JONES - editor.publisher
Retired Chief of Police
40 year career in
Public Safety/Criminal Justice System, Security, Fire Rescue EMS & Prison's
Donations are appreciated.
NOTICE and DISCLOSURE to all Men be it KNOWN
I am Not a Bar Card Attorney
or Judge
Every man/woman is 100% responsible for their words, acts, and behavior on this channel.
I assume no responsibility, for another's acts.
Responsibility is upon the poster
Every man has his right at/in law.
The law CANNOT be so licensed to any Man
Attorneys are certified and/or licenced the same as cops, in the disapline of law.
Legislure makes laws & standards for attorneys. The Judicial Branch admits attorneys to practice for hire if they pass the bar exam.
Same for Police under the Executive Branch.