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About moldypaw
please tell me I'm an example of citizen's virtues
sup I'm moldy, a polish pigeon-loving dude aspiring to be a true 18th century gentleman. shameless furry edgelord who's also into dead things.
Recent Videos from moldypaw
Necropolis: Tigerstar MAP part 9
disclaimer: music used here is NOT from the actual MAP. copyright n all, you know.
MAP call:
A MAP with heroes of might and magic song hosted by my buddy? i had to be a part of it.
You thought I was gone? yes and i have grown veeery distant from t… BACKUPS OPEN 30s Warrior Cats Ivypool and the Dark Forest MAP: Bal na Gnojnej (+ thumbnail contest)
A few weeks ago i felt a sudden inspiration to make something 30s Poland stylized after watching a 1937 movie called Dybbuk. So here it is, a Warriors MAP about Ivypool's experiences with the feral DF cats.
I'll answer those who get a part/backup in around 2 days from now.
Anyone can apply for bo… Bangar Ruinbringer Guild Wars 2 PMV: Rains of Castamere (SPOILERS)
I've been planning to make some GW2 PMV for quite some time and I think Bangar was the perfect material for it. He's this kind of villain one just loves to hate. First I waited for Icebrood Saga to finish though because I wanted to see how Bangar's story ends. And well, we didn't see... much. That'…