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About JakeVidya
Hey there, I'm Jake. I make videos about videogames.
Recent Videos from JakeVidya
Why Mass Effect 2 is one of the GREATEST sequels ever made
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is finally here, so it's time to make a statement. It's time to review one of my favorites. Spoilers for the entire Mass Effect Trilogy.
The original Mass Effect was a revolutionary title, and has left a big impact on the gaming industry, and its sequel goes far out o… My Love/Hate Relationship With Mass Effect
(Spoliers for Mass Effect)
dope-ass food:
Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a breath of fresh air for the series, so now's the right time to do the Mass Effect trilogy justice and give my tho… LISA the Painful is a game that you should play instead of The Last of Us Part 2
The Last of us Part 2 may or may not have been disappointing depending on who you review. But if you were looking for a game that might work harder to scratch the same itch, may I suggest Lisa the Painful RPG? In this analysis, I take you through the theme of this life-ruining experience, and show …