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Mosquito won't let go
This mosquito continues to feed despite repeated prodding #Mosquito #NeverGonnaGiveYouUp #TheThirstIsReal
Aedes vigilax mosquitoes are known for their ferocity. Nothing will stop them until they have finished feeding. Gynandromorph mosquito (half male, half female)
Video footage of a rare gynandromorph mosquito. Their left side is female and their right side (with the bushy antenna) is male. Because female mosquitoes are larger than males, this mosquito is lopsided. The poor thing is unable to fly properly, feed on blood, or reproduce. Decapitated mosquito laying eggs
In mosquitoes, egg laying is under constant neural inhibition. By removing their head, a female mosquito will begin to lay their eggs almost immediately. Decapitation is a legitimate scientific technique for forcing egg laying by females. When mosquitoes refuse to mate in the laboratory, decapitati…