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About Sonnet l 손승연
가수 손승연 공식 YouTube 입니다. Sonnet's Official YouTube:)
Recent Videos from Sonnet l 손승연
Sonnet X Coldplay - Let Somebody Go
None 손승연(SONNET) - When we're young 라이브(From. YOLO-OAH 4th LIVE)
SONNET LIVE "YOLO-OAH 4th" Live Clips 라이브 클립
LIVE : 2021. 10. 18
Artist : Sonnet(손승연)
Song : When we're young
Original Song : When we're young - Adele
#Sonnet #Whenwewereyoung #YOLOOAH #Live
#Adele #Cover #손승연 Sonnet - Easy on me (Adele) Full ver.