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About The World of David the Gnome
Full episodes of The World of David the Gnome, complete, restored and in English. All original intros and credits are included!
Recent Videos from The World of David the Gnome
The World of David the Gnome - Episode 26 - The Mountains of Beyond (Restored)
David and his wife Lisa must go off into the mountains because their time on Earth is almost over. They know they will not live past 400 years old. David finishes writing his journal about the gnomes. He and Lisa are visited by an Arctic mouse, who is carrying a message from their old friend Casper… The World of David the Gnome - Episode 25 - The Gift (Restored)
David goes to see an old friend of his, a human doctor named Walter. David wants to give Walter a pocketwatch that has been in the gnome family for generations. David tells Walter a story about the time he let a human boy enter the world of the gnomes. The boy's name was Wimpy and David used magic … The World of David the Gnome - Episode 24 - The Careless Cub (Restored)
David and Lisa go for a walk in the forest and meet a wolf. The wolf tells David that his wife and one of his cubs ate meat that had been poisoned by a shepherd. The wife had died, but the cub was still holding on. David examines the wolf cub and determines that a certain plant can cure him. He and…