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About NavaSharK
official Navashark youtube channel
Recent Videos from NavaSharK
what is this
IDK I'm back
day 1-10 third replay
1. Sit there and watch me play
2. this is PvZ live stream , so don't talk about another games
3. Respect the mods and owner
4. No pointless fighting/agruement in the chat
5. Don't annoy me
6. no puns
7. Enjoy! When NavaSharK plays Plants vs. Zombies [ Surviaval pool and fog ]
1. Sit there and watch me play
2. this is PvZ live stream , so don't talk about another games
3. Respect the mods and owner
4. No pointless fighting/agruement in the chat
5. Don't annoy me
6. no puns
7. Enjoy!