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Frank Vaughan
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Frank Vaughan
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One Godless Woman
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Social Media Join My Telegram Group Telegram: Follow Me on Gettr:…
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News and Politics
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Hi! We are Joe and Cindy; ex-construction workers. Dedicated to travel, nature, events & more. Our channel is a part of our personal belief…
Jeffrey Prather
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JEFFREY PRATHER - Retired Special Operations Soldier, former DIA Intelligence Collector, and ex-DEA Special Agent, targeted by the deep sta…
War Drummer
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Americanism & patriotism.
Dr. Jerome Corsi
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News Before It Happens Daily at 11am ET at #Author of 25 books since 2004, including 6 #NYTbestsellers, two #1 "Unfit for …
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Debates, Appearances, News and Updates from Robert Spencer of
Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism. ~ Ludwig von Mises The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing ou…
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This channel is for truth seekers. We must never become so rigid in what we believe is the truth that we can't look at things objectively a…
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Dr. William Mount's Official Youtube Channel! Check daily for news, history lessons and survival techniques!! For Recommended Survival Fo…
Operation Underground Railroad
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Operation Underground Railroad
TrialSite News
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We are dedicated to 100% transparent and open clinical news. We focus on clinical trials both failures and successes. We highlight key focu…
Many Fish
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There are many waiting and wanting.
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News, commentary, and comedy. I'm a serious reporter, but I have a sense of humor. I also make videos about autism parenting and handling c…
Cringe Panda
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The News Junkie's Archives
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Our backup channel:
Rotten Politics
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This is a political channel that aims to give opinions and discuss hot news and topics with occasional guests donate at…
Political Islam
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Political Islam by Bill Warner
Dane Wigington
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The purpose of this channel is to allow the continued growth of our group that we might be ever more effective in the fight against global …
Adapt 2030
154k subscribers
Keeping your family more climate prepared and connected to our Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) Ready Community. David DuByne creator of the ADA…
The Heritage Foundation
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The Heritage Foundation is the nation's most broadly supported public policy research institute. Our mission is to formulate and promote c…
The Truth Factory
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Shaun Attwood
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My True Crime podcast premiers every Monday night at 6 PM UK. We interview experts at the forefront of true crime, including ex-cops, ex-co…
Rudy W. Giuliani
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Vids on remedying ways to reverse or cure what ails you
Red Eagle Politics
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This channel consists of political commentary, strategy, and analysis from a right-leaning perspective.
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Thanks for everything, onto my next chapter :)
263k subscribers Hey YouTube, Please let me know if you ever decide to take me off your blacklist. It's heartbrea…
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I am God.
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Pro term limits for Congress. Pro individual liberty. Pro memes. Anti liars and hypocrites in the media, Hollywood and entertainment. Satir…
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Meet the biohackers, brewers, bitcoiners, makers, growers, freaks, and visionaries exploring new ways of living in an increasingly individu…
Sargon of Akkad
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English liberal. Paypal tip jar address: intotheaether(at) NOTE: Please do not contact the subjects of any of my videos, ev…
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Stanford is a place of discovery, creativity and innovation located in the San Francisco Bay Area on the ancestral land of the Muwekma Ohlo…
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Joe Scott
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Ask Questions. Get interesting, amazing, funny, inspiring, eye-opening, mind-shifting, informative answers. Every week. This is the home o…
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I make videos.
Frank Vaughan
Canadian content with a global perspective.
The Truth Is Biased.
Recent Videos from
Frank Vaughan
I 100% Agree With Justin Trudeau
No truer words were ever spoken.