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About Diaphone_
I play fighting games competitively and use my experience to help others get stronger at fighting games. I also stream live at
Recent Videos from Diaphone_
This tourney wasn’t ready for my waifu squad
Got a chance to play In the first NLBC for KOFXV! Super fun tourney, and wanted to share my progress with all of you.
00:00 Intro
00:35 vs EdgeOfNotion
03:25 vs Punk
07:07 vs Yurikov
12:13 vs El Rosa
17:06 Outro
Edited by Caste - | Twitter:… Easiest / Hardest Characters to Learn in BBTAG | Blazblue Cross Tag Battle Ease of Use Tier List
I made a few revisions with the help of BBTAG lord @Fame96 , you can find them here:
(The 2 major revisions were moving Chie and Labrys up 2 lines, mostly because at low level they are easy to play, points in the video still stand but are more f… What The Tutorial DOESN'T Teach you | Blazblue Cross Tag Battle Starter Guide / Beginner Guide
Play BBTAG! It's godllike (and cheap + rollback)
Team Building Guide (old but good):
00:00 Intro + Button Config
01:24 Team Building
02:40 Assists
03:31 Resource Management
05:35 Pushblock
06:25 Burst
08:15 Input Quirks
My favorite tutorial (Old but stil…