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About Bokeh Game Studio
A new game studio established by Keiichiro Toyama, creator of Silent Hill, the Siren and Gravity Rush series.
Recent Videos from Bokeh Game Studio
Q&A Session with Bokeh Game Studio Founders: Part One
Bokeh Game Studio founders sat for a Q&A session with questions received through social media.
Keiichiro Toyama - CEO, Creator
Junya Okura - CTO, Game Director
Kazunobu Sato - COO, Producer
Please turn on the subtitles as we have included the following: Japanese, English, Arabic, Spanish, Portugu… Prime - Composer: Akira Yamaoka
Akira Yamaoka, who we revealed as our composer at The Game Awards, describes his experience meeting Keiichiro Toyama and how he came to work with us at Bokeh Game Studio.
Credit to SubTube for the Portuguese (BR) translation
#BGS #BokehGame… 野狗子: Slitterhead - Teaser Trailer - TGA 2021
The first official teaser trailer for 野狗子: Slitterhead, revealed at The Game Awards 2021.
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