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About thatskyfox
Hi, we are Fox Band 🦊 We do music of Sky: Children of Light as a band. Subscribe and enjoy ~~~ Also on Instagram: Profile pic by @totobythesea :3
Recent Videos from thatskyfox
Fox Band — Music Sheet 15 (Sanctuary 2) [Sky: Children of The Light]
This sheet took to long to finally happen XD
Fox Band is finally reached the Sanctuary Isles to spend a weekend with some new friends :3 Fox Band — Music Sheet 27 (Abyss 2) in the Bloom [Sky: Children of The Light]
It was so good to see all the Lightseeker spirits again and the lady with the the awesome piano fingers XD And it is so good to see you :3
This is the 2nd music sheet from Season of Abyss, we love it so much and probably play too often to annoy all our friends! ) Sky Lullaby on Kalimba
My sister gave me Kalimba for my birthday :3 So I learned how to play Sky Lullaby (Sheet 4) on it.
Pretty sky spirits stickers by Muffin (atisumuffin @ Instagram)