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Recent Videos from FERRET WONDERLAND
Setup Keep Crabs Babies from escaping Paludarium|Paludarium |step by step
The crabs are very sensitive to water quality. Therefore, to ensure the health of the crab always cycle your tank before adding them to it. A tight-fitting lid with no escape holes is also very important. Even though these crabs spend the entirety of their life in the water, they love finding ways … Wall-E recovery the earth Terrarium 778 Years Later |EARTH DAY |アースデイ|STARTING GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS
The video is for the Earth day,Did you see the WALL-E moie?
The movie is about
In the 29th century, Earth has become a garbage-strewn wasteland due to rampant consumerism and corporate greed; seven centuries earlier, the megacorporation Buy-n-Large (BnL) evacuated humanity to space on giant starli… Pacman frogs' Bloopers #shorts
Always wash your hands before and after handling frog or cleaning the terrarium.
Use caution when handling pets. Pacman frogs have sensitive skin and do not enjoy being handled.
Supervise children around pets.
Use caution when handling pets and remember they may bite or scra…