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Lauren Mechelle
16.2k subscribers
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Lauren Mechelle
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Natural and Transitioning Hair Care. How to care for Young Girls Natural Hair.
Alex Smith
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This channel is devoted to the maintenance of natural hair.
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Hey There!!! My name is Shalena D.I.V.A. Broaster. I am a certified start up coach for consultants, experts and coaches who want to build a…
Kia Bee
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all things makeup , hair , & Fashion!!!!
Jaleesa Jaikaran
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I am professional makeup artist from Trinidad & based in New York who is dedicated to all things beauty. " For I know the plans I have fo…
186k subscribers
This channel is devoted to life, love, style, and everything in between. I'm not an expert at everything, but I am an expert at being ME!…
charisse christine
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hi & welcome! this is where I share vlogs of my day to day life as a small business owner and self care enthusiast 🥰✨
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YOUTUBE OG business email: STAY CONNECTED: instagram: @thomasadrianna1 @thomasadriannaBea…
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One day at a time, so stop and smell the roses.
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A London born, Lagos raised, spontaneous and slightly outrageous individual. Sharing my likes & loves and possibly everything in-between. …
Flo Chinyere
450k subscribers
Formerly All Nigerian Recipes. I am passionate about my Igbo culture and love my country Nigeria. So join me as I share everything about my…
Lorissa Nelson
266k subscribers
Are you an "everyday woman" searching for relatable marriage, motherhood, makeup, and homemaking inspiration online? If so, look no further…
Ghetto Vegans
157k subscribers
Hey guys join us on our #plantbasedlifestyle as we create delicious vegan meals and share some of our favorite restaurants with you. This …
1.2M subscribers
Hi, I'm Khadijat! I'm all for anything hair, makeup, and fashion related with a sprinkle of fun and important everyday matters here and the…
1.5M subscribers
TheMakeupChair covers everything from Makeup lessons, Makeup Tutorials, Product reviews and recommendations. New videos every Monday and F…
Hello Hunnay with Jeannie Mai
729k subscribers
Take a deeeeep breath, inhale summa YOU. I'm Jeannie Mai Jenkins, and, baby, it's time to OWN ur life! Together let's get 💯 about fashion,…
1.64M subscribers
Hi, I'm Aileen! Lavendaire is a channel about personal growth + lifestyle design, where I share knowledge and inspiration about creating yo…
Patricia Bright
2.85M subscribers
A Female fashion beauty and hair channel with tutorials and videos to help with your beauty and fashion needs. Style advice Im here, random…
Lauren Mechelle
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Lauren Mechelle