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About Channel Hopper MLP
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Recent Videos from Channel Hopper MLP
The Maud Couple Review
I know this is late but this might be my last pony review until I can get everything organized with work and my youtube videos. So the show actually introduces a love interest in the show and while it's not one of the main characters that gets one, it's still nice to see one of their siblings get o… My Little Pony School Daze Review Ft.Wolfkeen
I know this review is months behind but work kept me from editing so I had my editor work on it but I wasn't the only one busy with other stuff so it got delayed. As for the episode, it was a good start to season 8 and i really enjoyed the new cast of students.
Edited by Luis Howles
featuring Wolf… Wolfified Clip
Here's the final clip to my Top 13 littlest pet shop songs video and thought I should unlist it for Halloween.
The cover is by Elimonty featuring Mandopony.