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About Susie Kirk
Hello everyone, I'm Susie. Welcome to read susie read! I make bookish videos semi-regularly. I'm currently into literary fiction, graphic novels, memoirs, young adult fiction, and children's literature.
Recent Videos from Susie Kirk
What I Read in January 2015
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Here are my thoughts on the non-graphic novel books I read in January. My "new" wrap-up/review style is in the format of "what I liked";"what I didn't like"; and "what I took away from it" case you were wondering. :)
*CORRECTION* I had SIX snow days off from wor… What I Have Checked Out from the Library - February 2015
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Please share your thoughts on these books!
Check out Jocie's review-
where I spend my time online:
instagram:… Books I Might Read in February - #ReadSoulLit & More
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I haven't been reading much, but these are high priority if I get back into it!
FrenchieDee's Intro to #ReadSoulLit video -
Danielle from OneSmallPaw -
Stephen's Video on Family - http://youtu…