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249k subscribers
The mission of Sovereign Grace Music is to produce Christ-exalting songs and training for the Church from our local churches. We call it So…
The Messed Up Church
34.1k subscribers
Welcome to The Messed Up Church YouTube Channel! Check out, for a LOT more information. Many of the videos here are …
Christian Sermons and Audio Books
272k subscribers
A large video collection of Christian Sermons and Audio Books of men greatly used of God, such as: Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, A.W.…
37.0k subscribers
Many of the Bible stories and verses we think we know, we don't! When We Understand the Text (WWUTT) is committed to the teaching of sound …
Justin Peters Ministries
141k subscribers
My YouTube channel exists to glorify God through the teaching and preaching of His word. When our knowledge of God is deepened, our love fo…
Spencer Smith
144k subscribers
Just a guy with a Bible... Contemporary Theological Issues
Living Waters
1.0M subscribers
The vision of Living Waters is to inspire and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. You can learn more about our ministry at …
KeithandKristyn Getty
173k subscribers
Keith and Kristyn Getty are pre-eminent modern hymn writers in the world today, with a venerable catalog of songs sung around the world inc…
Apologia Studios
312k subscribers
Welcome to Apologia Studios! Our mission is to get the Gospel into all areas of culture. From theology to politics. We discuss everything f…
Steven Bancarz
191k subscribers
On this YouTube channel, we will be exposing the New Age movement while reinforcing the truth of the Gospel. This channel will consist of …
Recent Videos from
CityAlight - This is the Day
"This is the Day" Words and Music by Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson and Tiarne Tranter © 2022 CityAlight Music CCLI: 7195146 This is the day that the Lord has made We will rejoice as we lift His name This is the day that the Lord has made Come and rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it Whethe…
The Night Song (feat. Colin Buchanan)
"The Night Song" Words and Music By Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, & Colin Buchanan © 2021 CityAlight Music CCLI: 7189010 In the darkness God will keep me He will stay and never sleep In the darkness God is brighter Though the night is long and deep All this day Your hand has held me God of Heave…
It Was Finished Upon That Cross (Official Lyric Video) - CityAlight
"It Was Finished Upon That Cross" Words and Music By Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson, & Nigel Hendroff © 2021 CityAlight Music CCLI: 7171907 How I love the voice of Jesus On the cross of Calvary He declares his work is finished He has spoken this hope to me Though the sun had ceased its shining Tho…