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About MetaBallStudios
🔰 Our work is to put the world in perspective, both the real and the fictional. We give a new vision to things to get a better idea of how they are, sizes, quantities, volumes, speeds... Explore the channel content and enjoy each video.
Recent Videos from MetaBallStudios
🕹️ VIDEO GAME MAP Size Comparison (𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙚) 🎮
🎮 These are the sizes of some examples of video game maps, I have tried to be as accurate as possible. The measures have been contrasted in several sources and I have chosen the one that seems most coherent to me. There are some radical cases like TLoTR Online and Guild Wars: Nightfall, whose measu… 9 YEARS
The channel turns 9 years old, as usual, every year I change the logo and intro of the channel and publish a special video, this time it is a making of.
📷Instagram:… 🚧 UNDERGROUND Comparison 🚧 (3D)
These are the DEEPEST underground STRUCTURES, represented on a real scale, mines, caves, cities, tunnels, installations, etc.
Note: Depth is measured from the lowest point to the surface, not to sea level.
🎵MUSIC: ALGO by Iker Jiménez