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Cyberpunk Miata Build: Making Custom Turbofans. Part 1 of 2
In this video we get back to work on the Cyberpunk Miata, this time starting on a new pair of wheels for the rear. I will show you how I made my original steel wheels and fiberglass covers as well as go over the process of designing and prototyping a new set of turbofans with the aid of CAD modelli… Molds are done! First side complete! Sta-GTR build: Part 22
In this video we finish off the plug making for the front fender, front bumper extension, and sideskirt, then make the final 3 moulds to finish off the full set of moulds for the first side of this widebody GTR Stagea conversion.
Consider supporting me on Patreon:… Tearing off the Widebody Plugs. Sta-GTR build: Part 21
In this video we finish the first of the moulds for this widebody and start removing the foam plugs from the rear quarter and door.
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