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About SanAndreas TV
Used to be an old San Andreas channel , now I'm more of a do whatever channel
Recent Videos from SanAndreas TV
Scrapped Projects
My first upload in months , feels weird
I've got a vid coming up soon though : ) How Cj Saved The Grove Part (1)
CJ aka Cock Johnson and Smoke go on a mission to Emmet's place when suddenly they are ambushed and find Emmet dead
Ryder comes to CJ and Smokes aid and assists them in combat . After , they discover a parcel containing a weapon known as The Keyboard which can be used using
Big Smokes Book of Chea… Mark Ass Ryder ( Ryder Diss )
I had a whole scene in which Cj dissed ryder for backstabbing the crew and stealing all the money
Since that scene is scrapped and lost , I decided to just upload the diss separately .