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About All Electronics Channel
This channel is focused on Electronics Engineering videos, covering aspects from different areas. Learn about analog design, RF, instrumentation and general electronics technical design.
Recent Videos from All Electronics Channel
How a modern Tesla Coil works
Gregory explains how a modern DRSSTC Tesla Coil works.
The working principle is explained from the Tesla Coil end-result - the creation of big sparks - going backwards to the power electronics stages and how they operate.
A modern DRSSTC Tesla Coil utilizes a power electronics inverter, feeding a… Signal to Noise Ratio, Noise Temperature and Noise Figure
Learn more about SNR, Noise Measurements and its use cases:
Gregory explains the implication on noise degradation on amplifiers chains, what is Signal to Noise Ratio, how to calculate noise in terms of Noise Temperatures and what is Noise Figure.
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Learn more about RF Power Measurements and its use cases:
Gregory explains the fundamentals of how diode detector RF power probes work.
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