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About LordoftheJimmy
I HATE THIS NEW DESIGN!!! Super Mario Guy RPG Schwarzenegger & Stallone Video Game Remixes Lord of the Jimmy has it all. Looking for time to waste at work, or videos to show your friends? Watch Lord of the Jimmy's videos... or there's gonna be trouble!
Recent Videos from LordoftheJimmy
Super Mario Guy RPG (Season 1)
The entire first season of the 2009 / 2010 Let's Play of Super Mario RPG as done by the cast of Family Guy (impersonated... badly). Steamed Hams but it's done by two guys filming each other on their phones
... it was all Will's idea! Watch his video:
LordoftheJimmy - Principal Skinner
WillKnavison - SuperNintendo Chalmers Steroid to Heaven - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger sings "Steroid to Heaven" after his assistant Saki-Chan mispronounced the name of the Led Zeppelin song.
Original song "Stairway to Heaven" written by Jimmy Page & Robert Plant. Backing track and new lyrics created by LordoftheJimmy. This parody video is fair use under copyrig…