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About Humphrey Wittingtonsworth IV
I don't care about subs or views. I just want to have fun
Recent Videos from Humphrey Wittingtonsworth IV
i quit my job and found a dream job!!
I'm still living in California, so moving forward, I'll only be making creative new california legal air-guns only
If I ever vacation back in GA, I'd love to make a new delayed blowback mechanism that I've never seen anyone else do before!
This is a quick vlog about how much I love my new job wor… Humphrey goes to work at Amazon in 2021
Humphrey goes to work at his software job
If you're watching this to get some files, they're being revised, and I'll upload either tomorrow or monday hahah Mega pistol speedloader (and answering other comments from the gun video)
Files will probs go up after the next revision
Guns are just my side hobby, this channel is just for things I think are fun hahaha
In the future, I plan on working on california legal PCP guns