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About ClannadCentral
This channel was created to get our Clannad group on Facebook more fans. Come join us at CLANNAD (クラナド/Kuranado) on Facebook, the most active Clannad fan page. This channel is purely for fan use and we completely support Key and the creators of Clannad.
Recent Videos from ClannadCentral
Come join us at CLANNAD (クラナド/Kuranado) on Facebook, the most active Clannad fan page.
It doesn't get much better than that, yes?
Scene from Clannad After Story Episode 22 An Interesting Group
Come join us at CLANNAD (クラナド/Kuranado) on Facebook, the most active Clannad fan page.
Extra points for good timing!
Scene from Clannad Episode 10 Kotomi, Meet Ryou
Come join us at CLANNAD (クラナド/Kuranado) on Facebook, the most active Clannad fan page.
Wow, Ryou, what a thing to say...
Scene from Clannad Episode 10