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About Lindsay Ellis
Lindsay Ellis is creating video essays and other nondescript content. You can find her latest miniseries “It’s Lit!” at Visit VintageChezLindsay on Youtube for her previous work. Enjoy these hottest of takes on Disney, Transformers, and Musicals. All hail the Algorithm.
Recent Videos from Lindsay Ellis
Love Never Dies: A Magnificent Musical Trashfire Sequel to Phantom of the Opera
Let me show you the beauty underneath.
Go to or text "lindsayellis" to 500500 and get your first 30 days free.
Truth of the Divine and Axiom's End both now available at most book retailers (in the US, UK and Canada). I don't know what the deal is in Australia. … Loki, the MCU, and Narcissism
Has self love gone TOO FAR???
See my hot takes that are too spicy for YouTube on Nebula by getting a year of Curiosity Stream + Nebula for $14.79/year at code: “lindsay”
Pre-order Truth of the Divine:
… 9 things I wish I knew before publishing my first novel
A short list of helpful fun facts that probably aren’t very helpful. Axiom’s End out in paperback in the US and Canada (and in hardcover in the UK). Pre- order signed editions of Truth of the Divine:
Twitter - @thelindsayellis
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